Abdominoplasty, Liposuction

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*Disclaimer: Keep in mind that each patient is unique and results may not occur for all patients. These photos are of an actual patient of our practice who has provided consent to display their pictures online.

(Last Updated On: )

This 49 year old female underwent a gastric bypass and lost 185 pounds and had significant amounts of excess skin.  It was decided to begin with removal of the redundant skin of the abdomen and reducing the fullness of the abdomen, hips and thighs.  As you can see in the photos, Dr. Poulter performed an extended abdominoplasty and debulked the medial thighs by liposuction,  as the plan will be to perform a medial thigh lift in the future.  This patient will also undergo a breast lift and arm lift and was thrilled to begin her journey with us.  She is pleased with the initial phase and looks forward to continuing on with this process.

Patient Age: 49
Height: 5'5"
Weight Before: 195lbs
Tissue Removed Left: 830 grams
Tissue Removed Right: 966 grams
Case Number: 258

If you like the results you see here, request a consultation to learn more about how this procedure can help you achieve your ideal appearance. We encourage you to print your favorite photos and bring them with you during your consultation to help communicate your goals and expectations.