Abdominoplasty, Liposuction

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*Disclaimer: Keep in mind that each patient is unique and results may not occur for all patients. These photos are of an actual patient of our practice who has provided consent to display their pictures online.

(Last Updated On: August 29, 2019)

44-year-old mother of 3 who loves to be on the family boat during the summer and vacation year round on the beach but less than loved the way she felt in a bathing suit. This patient originally came to see us only wishing to have liposuction to improve her midsection but after discussing her concerns further with our staff she found that liposuction of her hips and inner thighs paired with abdominoplasty to repair the abdominal weakness left from pregnancy would be her best result. She is now back to wearing a bikini for the first time in 15 years.

Patient Age: 44
Height: 5'9"
Weight Before: 155 lbs
Tissue Removed Left: 222 grams
Tissue Removed Right: 282 grams
Case Number: 79

If you like the results you see here, request a consultation to learn more about how this procedure can help you achieve your ideal appearance. We encourage you to print your favorite photos and bring them with you during your consultation to help communicate your goals and expectations.