Breast Augmentation Smooth Round Cohesive Gel

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*Disclaimer: Keep in mind that each patient is unique and results may not occur for all patients. These photos are of an actual patient of our practice who has provided consent to display their pictures online.

(Last Updated On: )

This patient came to us seeking breast augmentation. She feels her body is not well proportioned. She would like to restore her body back to its pre-prenancy size and shape. She feels that she has droop to her breasts. Dr Poulter felt she could resolve the droop and augment her breasts with the dual plane placement of her implants with needing a breast lift. She would like to be larger and have a fuller, rounder shape to her breasts And the larger implant allowed her to get the result she wants with out the incisions of a breast lift. She wants the upper show look to her breasts as well. Dr. Poulter and the patient decided to go with the Inspira smooth round cohesive full projection implant which would give the patient the fuller look she desired, and the cohesive implant will provide a more stable upper pole and less chance of leaking of the implant The patient is very happy with her results.

Patient Age: 30
Height: 5'10
Weight: 148
Implant Size Left: 485cc
Implant Size Right: 485cc
Implant Shape: Inspira smooth round cohesive gel SCF
Breast Incision Type: Inframammary fold
Chest Measure Before: 36
Chest Measure After: 36
Cup Size Before: B
Cup Size After: DD
Case Number: 299

If you like the results you see here, request a consultation to learn more about how this procedure can help you achieve your ideal appearance. We encourage you to print your favorite photos and bring them with you during your consultation to help communicate your goals and expectations.